+61 435 671 280
55 Kettering Road, Elizabeth South 5112




Our volunteers donate much of their time, energy, and expertise to keeping Container of Hope running smoothly. They are highly valued as COH operates purely on a volunteer basis.


Christopher Moore
CEO and Chairman
Christopher co-founded COH in 2009.  Christopher is Living, Loving, Giving, Serving; The things he does are who he is.
    Kerrie Moore
    Committee Member
    Kerrie co-founded Container of Hope in 2009.  Her mother always said that Kerrie ‘brings home the strays’ – Kerrie’s heart for those who are forgotten and friendless shows through in her work at COH. And the lunches she provides are top notch!
      Jess Cornish
      Member of COH since Oct 2015.  Jess strives to love her neighbour, always wanting to remember those who are less fortunate and work to help them in ways they actually need to be helped (not just in ways she wants to help).
        Kym Schaeafer
        Vice-Chairman & Treasurer
        Member since August 2018. Kym has taken on the role of Treasurer and the mammoth task of managing COH finances! He is fantastic with numbers and brings so many great ideas to the discussion table for ways COH can improve its direction and processes. Kym says he just wants to do the job God has for him 😊
          Mike Whitrow
          Committee Member
          Member of COH since June 2016.  Michael loves promoting human flourishing and the dignity of each individual. He brings a very thoughtful perspective to all governing decisions.
            Rick Saxon
            Committee Member
            Volunteer since 2018. Rick came along because he thought it was a practical way of being a Christian and doing what God wants us to do. He gets to COH before anyone else besides Christopher to help out, and we can rely on him when we need help with collections, or to pick up stillages bright and early! We love having him working with us.
              Celian Kidega
              COH Member
              Member of COH since May 2015.  This man is a silent but steadfast do-er, who really thinks about ways he can best help people. His Christian caring can be seen in how he does life and we’re grateful to have him at COH.
                Jill Bowden
                COH Member
                Member of COH since July 2017.  Jill reads 2 Cor 5:14-15 as specific to her: “The love of Christ constrains me – He died for me, that I should no long live for myself but unto Him, as He died for me and rose again.” Jill is a passionate lover of Christ and His people, and  feels that we are to be the hands of Jesus in caring for and loving others.
                  Lee Hutton
                  COH Member
                  Volunteer since 2017. Lee’s motivation for volunteering is her feeling that we are incredibly lucky to have so much ‘extra’ than we need, which can be passed on and used by people who are struggling to survive and thrive. She also thinks of it as a part of her personal ‘war on waste,’ as we are the “minority” in the ‘first world’ with so much excess! She believes that having compassion and giving to others is an important aspect of making a happy life.
                    Raquel Sakra
                    Volunteer since 2017. Raquel started tagging along with Ricky, and what a powerhouse worker she is! She keeps up with the boys, no problem, and is a solid, reliable presence whenever we need a hand with collections, container loading, and just general donation sorting and site work.
                      Ricky Buck
                      Volunteer since April 2016.  Ricky is a tenacious and determined volunteer, despite the struggles he experiences with his health. It’s great to have him along every week, and pray this continues well into the future!
                        American Dave
                        Volunteer since 2014.  A very reliable handyman, we don’t know what we’d do without Dave! We ask and he does, no questions or arguments necessary.
                          Margaret Kennedy
                          Volunteer since 2019. Margaret is a happy, laughing presence – We always enjoy when she comes in to volunteer. She decided to come because she wanted to do some volunteer work after she finished up work, and we are very grateful she chose us!